Sam recovered from opiate addiction after several experience with DMT
Addiction, DMT

I recovered from Opiate Addiction with DMT || Sam Fullerton

Summary of Sam’s Experience

Sam Fullerton, originally from Pittsburgh, shares his journey of recovering from a severe opiate addiction. Consuming up to 700 milligrams of oxycodone daily, Sam struggled immensely with withdrawals. At a crucial point, he decided to try DMT, an intense psychedelic substance. Through repeated use, he experienced profound, transformative revelations and visualizations that led to an unexpected and miraculous shift in his addiction. Despite subsequent physical injuries, which required temporary opiate use, Sam found himself free from addiction’s grip, attributing his recovery to his mystical DMT experiences.

I was doing about six to seven hundred milligrams a day. I probably should be dead.

Sam describes his withdrawals from Opiate Addiction

I ran out of pills at that festival. I took a small piece of Suboxone, drove home. And just knew that I couldn’t buy them anymore. Three days passed and I was going cold turkey. And cold turkey off of 700 milligrams of oxycodone is atrocious.

Pain, phantom pain, sleeplessness nausea, diarrhea, you name it. The sweats, everything that you could possibly imagine was going on. Everything in my body ached. Every cell in my body ached. I was about to lose my house. And I was falling off. There was no question. That was like the most stressful experience that I’ve ever had to go through.

And I’m going through withdrawals and there’s no question in my mind, I am going to fall off, ready to buy some pills.

Sam’s Experience with DMT during opiate addiction withdrawals

And the light just went off in my head. I said, grab that DMT. Something has to happen. I don’t know what it is, but something has to happen right now, or I’m in a bad place.

So I grabbed it and I started Just loading up the pipe, it was really magical the first time I hit it. It was this feeling It just started Overwhelming me and I had to take off my shoes because I needed to feel everything, you know so I went out onto the street and I could feel the concrete and then I walked into the mulch and I could into the grass and I could just feel Everything touching me and and just it was just this magical feeling that Couldn’t explain.

And, I did this for about two hours. DMT trips, for anyone who might not know, are probably, typically, seven to twelve minutes long. So I just continued and continued and for the most part it was colors, it was shapes and designs, and it was things that my mind and your mind, no one’s mind, can even begin to imagine until you’ve actually been through it.

Probably two hours in I looked up at the television and DJ Shadow, What Does Your Soul Look was on. And I said, you know what, that’s a very good question, and I packed it up and I hit it one more time. And this was the first time that I really felt anything close to a breakthrough, when I hit it, this voice came out of me, and it asked, in this sense, It was almost a demonic kind of a voice, something I can never mimic, but it just said, What does your soul look like, Samuel?

I remember finding myself head between my knees, squeezing, clenching my jaws, clenching my eyes, and there’s this, infinite mandala just swirling in every different direction and inside of all of the spaces you had buddhas and ganeshas probably other deities but those are the ones that i can remember and recognize at that point and i and i had no, at that point, real background in, in Hindu or Buddhism or anything

But there they were. And they were basically beckoning me, calling me, telling me come to us and be absolved of everything that’s inside you, let it go. And so I went towards them. And when I got to them, they showed me what my soul actually looked like, and my soul was black. It was tar. And We stayed there for what felt like an eternity.

And then all of a sudden, there was this eruption of color that just burst from the bottom of me and out the top of my head. And I literally watched my addiction exit my body. I came back, and I knew something was different.

I literally watched my addiction exit my body. I came back, and I knew something was different.

After that, I went through a withdrawal for four months. Two months after that, I was still going through the minor portions of it.

I never had another craving. Never.

I never had another craving. Never.

From that time of watching my addiction leave my body, until those were gone, I’ve never had another craving

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