Ariel was a suicidal veteran who decided to microdose DMT
Depression, DMT, Happiness, PTSD, Veterans

Suicidal Veteran Describes DMT Journey || Ariel Ramos

Summary of Ariel’s Experience

Ariel Ramos, a military veteran, shares her journey from a difficult post-deployment period. Upon leaving the military and undergoing therapy, Ariel discovered microdosing DMT through the Church of Ambrosia, which profoundly impacted her life.

She describes regaining her internal monologue, experiencing vivid meditative visions, and feeling a renewed sense of self and purpose. This journey led to a significant reduction in suicidal ideation and negativity, allowing Ariel to see and embody her true self for the first time in years.

Watch: Suicidal Veteran's Lifesaving Transformation: Mushroom Church & Microdosing DMT

Ariel describes her health after leaving military

About a year ago I got out of the military after a decade of service. After a really difficult deployment, I ended up on a 5150 hold for suicidal ideation. And my life had really been spiraling out of control for a while. And after this hold I went through outpatient I started going through therapy and I’ve pretty much just spent the last year in a self-imposed isolation, trying to really reshape my life and come back from the depths of the hell I was living in.

Ariel finds the Church of Ambrosia

October of 2023 I decided to join the Church of Ambrosia. It’s a bit of an enigma living in Alameda and being in the military, people are like, Oh, there’s like a mushroom church or whatever. And I’d always said Oh, if I get out, I’m gonna, check that out.

I had not been anticipating like finding DMT there. I just thought it was like a mushroom church. That’s what everyone always calls it. So when I saw it there, I was like, I have to get it. I don’t know if I’ll ever have this opportunity again.

Ariel’s experience with microdosing DMT

I started micro dosing DMT probably like once every two weeks and when I say the difference that it has made in my life has been absolutely profound I don’t know if there are words to truly describe that level of profoundness.

I don’t know if there are words to truly describe that level of profoundness.

I was meditating a couple of days after my first DMT microdose and then all of a sudden I could hear my own voice in my head for the first time in years. And it was like meeting an old friend I had forgotten.

It was like meeting an old friend I had forgotten

Later that night after I was like sober and whatever I was just brushing my teeth looking in the mirror and all of a sudden it was like I recognized myself for the first time since I was like a teenager and I just started crying.

I was like you. Oh my god, like I’m here and I see who I am and I’ve become like exactly who I’m supposed to be even though it was like so hard and I can like finally find like a reason to live.

I can finally find a reason to live.

Ariel’s life after microdosing DMT

I feel like I’ve completely like stepped into a new reality. Like I’m hearing people differently. I hear them as who they truly are and not as this like lens of judgment I placed over them. It has shown me the path for my life and what I need to do.

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